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does apprenticeship count as work experience or not ?

  Does 01 year apprenticeship training will count as a work experience? I know, many student have this doubt that whether apprenticeship training will count as a work experience or not ? and it should be. So let me tell you today and clear your doubt about apprenticeship training  count as a work experience .  W ell, when I also completed my apprenticeship training, I had also this doubt in my mind. Then I searched and read about it many places and finally I got the proof of  apprenticeship training will count as a work experience.  My finally answer is YES  apprenticeship training will count or consider as a work experien ce. I share with you the proof this.    Click Here   (Go to > Help > Process Manual (English) > Page No. 16 > Benefits to students > Point No. 10) Note:- The apprentice which is under the Ministry of Skill Devlopment & Entrepreneurship, in which the All india ...

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Question Bank of Strength of Material


1. What is beam?

  • Beam is a structural member which is supported along the length and subjected to external loads acting transversely (i.e) perpendicular to the center line of the beam.

2. What is mean by transverse loading on beam?

  • If a load is acting on the beam which perpendicular to the central line of it then it is called transverse loading.

3. What is Cantilever beam?

  • A beam one end free and the other end is free is called cantilever beam.

4. What is simply supported beam?

A simply supported beam is one that rests on two supports and is free to move horizontally.

  • A beam supported or resting free on the support at its both ends.

5. What is mean by over hanging beam?

What is an overhanging beam? If the end portion of a beam extends beyond the support, then the beam is known as overhanging beam

  • If one or both of the end portions are extended beyond the support then it is called over hanging beam.

6. What is mean by concentrated loads?

Point load (P) is a force applied at a single infinitismal point at a set distance from the ends of the beam

  • A load which is acting at a point is called point load.

7. What is uniformly distributed load.

A uniform distributed load is a force that is applied evenly over the distance of a support.

  • If a load which is spread over a beam in such a manner that rate of loading is uniform through out the length then it is called as uniformly distributed load.

8. Define point of contra flexure? In which beam it occurs?

  • A point of contra flexure is a point where Bending Moment Zero or Change sign Negative to Positive or Positive to Negative  vice versa. 
  • It occurs only in overhanging beam.

9. What is mean by positive or sagging BM?

  • Bending Moment is said to positive (sagging) if moment on left side of beam is clockwise or right side of the beam is counter clockwise.

10. What is mean by negative or hogging BM?

  • Bending Moment is said to negative (hogging) if moment on left side of beam is counter clockwise or right side of the beam is clockwise.

11. Define shear force and bending moment?

  • Shear Force at any cross section is defined as algebraic sum of all the forces acting either side of beam. 
  • Bending Moment at any cross section is defined as algebraic sum of the moments of all the forces which are placed either side from that point.

12. When will bending moment is maximum?

  • Bending Moment will be maximum when shear force change its sign.

13. What is maximum bending moment in a simply supported beam of span (L) subjected to UDL of (w) over entire span?

  • wL2/8

14. In a simply supported beam how will you locate point of maximum bending moment?

  • The bending moment (BM) is maximum and where Shear Force (SF) is zero. 
  • Write Shear Force equation at that point and equating to zero we can find out the distances 'x' from one end then find maximum bending moment at that point by taking all moment on right or left hand side of beam.

15. What is shear force?

  • The algebraic sum of the vertical forces at any section of the beam to the left or right of the section is called shear force.

16. What is shear force and bending moment diagram?

  • It shows the variation of the shear force and bending moment along the length of the beam.

17. What are the types of beams?

  1. Cantilever beam
  2. Simply supported beam
  3. Fixed beam
  4. Continuous beam
  5. Over hanging beam
Different types of beams are used in the construction of buildings and structures. These are horizontal structural elements that withstand vertical loads, shear forces, and bending moments. Beams transfer loads that imposed along their length to their endpoints such as walls, columns, foundations, etc.

What are the types of loads?

  1. Point load or Concentrated load 
  2. Uniform distributed load
  3. Uniform varying load
Point load, UDL, UVL

19. In which point the bending moment is maximum?

  • When the shear force change of sign (Negative to positive or Positive to Negative) or the shear force is zero

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