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does apprenticeship count as work experience or not ?

  Does 01 year apprenticeship training will count as a work experience? I know, many student have this doubt that whether apprenticeship training will count as a work experience or not ? and it should be. So let me tell you today and clear your doubt about apprenticeship training  count as a work experience .  W ell, when I also completed my apprenticeship training, I had also this doubt in my mind. Then I searched and read about it many places and finally I got the proof of  apprenticeship training will count as a work experience.  My finally answer is YES  apprenticeship training will count or consider as a work experien ce. I share with you the proof this.    Click Here   (Go to > Help > Process Manual (English) > Page No. 16 > Benefits to students > Point No. 10) Note:- The apprentice which is under the Ministry of Skill Devlopment & Entrepreneurship, in which the All india ...

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Question Bank of Strength of Material


1. What are the methods for finding out the slope and deflection at a section?

The important methods used for finding out the slope and deflection at a section in a loaded beam are

  1. Double Integration Method
  2. Moment Area Method
  3. Macaulay's Method

The first two methods are suitable for a single load, where as the last one is suitable for several loads.

2. Why moment area method is more useful, when compared with double integration?

Moment Area Method is more useful, as compared with double integration method because many problems which do not have a simple mathematical solution can be simplified by the ending moment area method.

3. Theorem for Conjugate Beam Method?

Theorem I:

  • The slope at any section of of a loaded beam, relative to the original axis of the beam is equal to the shear in the conjugate beam at the corresponding section

Theorem II: 

  • The deflection at any given section of a loaded beam, relative to the original position is equal to the Bending moment at the corresponding section of the conjugate beam

4. Define method of Singularity functions?

  • In Macaulay's method a single equation is formed for all loading on a beam, the equation is constructed in such away that the constant of Integration apply to all portions of the beam. This method is also called method of singularity functions.

5. What are the points to be worth for conjugate beam method?

  • This method can be directly used for simply supported Beam.
  • In this method for cantilevers and fixed beams, artificial constraints need to be supplied to the conjugate beam so that it is supported in a manner the constraints of the real beam.

6. What are the different sections in which the shear stress distribution is to be obtained?

  • Rectangular section
  • Circular section
  • I- section
  • T- section

7. What do you mean by shear stress in beam?

  • The stress produced in a beam, which is subjected to shear forces is known as stresses.

8. Formula to find a shear stress at a fiber in a section of a beam?

The shear stress at a fiber in a section of a beam is given by 

q = Fx AY/ l x b


F= shear force acting at a section

A = Area of the section above the fiber

Y= Distance of CG of the Area A from Neutral axis

I= Moment of Inertia of whole section about N A

b= Actual width at the fiber

9. What is the shear stress distribution rectangular section?

The shear stress distribution rectangular section is parabolic and is given by

q = F/2I [d x d  / 4 - y x y ]


d= Depth of the beam

y= Distance of the fiber from NA

10. What is the shear stress distribution Circular section?

q = F/3I (R x R - y x y)

11. Main assumptions while deriving the general formula for shear stresses.

  • The material is homogeneous, isotropic and elastic.
  • The modulus of elasticity in tension and compression are sarhe.
  • The shear stress is constant along the beam width
  • The presence of shear stress docs not affect the distribution of bending stress.

12. What is Shear stress distribution ?

  • The variation of shear stress along the depth of the beam is called shear stress distribution

13. What is the ratio of maximum shear stress to the average shear stress for the rectangular section?

Q max is 1.5 times the Q avg

14. What is the ratio of maximum shear stress to the average shear stress in the case of solid circular section?

Q max is 4/3 times the Q avg

15. What is the shear stress distribution value of Flange portion of the 1-section?

q = f/21 (D x D / 4- y)



y- Distance from neutral axis

16. What is the value of maximum of minimum shear stress in a rectangular Cross section?

Q max = 3/2 x F/ (bd)

18. How will you obtained shear stress distribution for unsymmetrical section?

  • The shear stress distribution for Unsymmetrical sections is obtained after calculating the position of Neutral Axis (N A).

19 Where the shear stress is max for Triangular section?

  • In the case of triangular section, the shear stress is not max at N A. 
  • The shear stress is max at a height of h/2.

20. Where shear stress distribution diagram draw for composite section?

  • The shear stress distribution diagram for a composite section, should be drawn by calculating the shear stress at important points. 

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