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does apprenticeship count as work experience or not ?

  Does 01 year apprenticeship training will count as a work experience? I know, many student have this doubt that whether apprenticeship training will count as a work experience or not ? and it should be. So let me tell you today and clear your doubt about apprenticeship training  count as a work experience .  W ell, when I also completed my apprenticeship training, I had also this doubt in my mind. Then I searched and read about it many places and finally I got the proof of  apprenticeship training will count as a work experience.  My finally answer is YES  apprenticeship training will count or consider as a work experien ce. I share with you the proof this.    Click Here   (Go to > Help > Process Manual (English) > Page No. 16 > Benefits to students > Point No. 10) Note:- The apprentice which is under the Ministry of Skill Devlopment & Entrepreneurship, in which the All india ...

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Types of Ranging


Ranging Out Survey Lines:

In measuring the length of a survey line, also called a chain line, it's necessary that the chain should be laid on the ground in a straight.

Ranging are of two types:

  1. Direct ranging
  2. Indirect ranging

1: Direct Ranging: It is called direct when intermediate ranging rods are placed in a line by direct observation from either end. 

Ranging By Eye:

  • To begin with, the ranging rods or poles should be erected vertically behind each end of the line. To do this, hold the rod firmly in the hand with its lower end about 30 cm above the ground and then drive it firmly into the ground by a quick downward blow. 
  • If not driven sufficiently, remove it and enlarge, the hole with the help of the hanging rod and drive it a second time. On a hard surface, it should be supported by a pile of stones.

Ranging by Line Ranger:

  • It is an instrument having a small reflecting and also used for fixing the intermediate points on the lines of the chain. 
  • It usually consists of two right-angled which is isosceles triangular prisms and placed one above each other.

2: Indirect Ranging: While it is called indirect when they are interpolated by reciprocal ranging or running an auxiliary line. Direct ranging is possible only when the end stations are indivisible.

  • Indirect ranging is resorted to when the ends of the line are not inevasible due to high ground or a hill intervening and also when the ends of a line are not distinctly visible from one another due to the distance being too great. 
  • In such a case, intermediate points can be fixed on the line by the process known as reciprocal ranging.

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