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does apprenticeship count as work experience or not ?

  Does 01 year apprenticeship training will count as a work experience? I know, many student have this doubt that whether apprenticeship training will count as a work experience or not ? and it should be. So let me tell you today and clear your doubt about apprenticeship training  count as a work experience .  W ell, when I also completed my apprenticeship training, I had also this doubt in my mind. Then I searched and read about it many places and finally I got the proof of  apprenticeship training will count as a work experience.  My finally answer is YES  apprenticeship training will count or consider as a work experien ce. I share with you the proof this.    Click Here   (Go to > Help > Process Manual (English) > Page No. 16 > Benefits to students > Point No. 10) Note:- The apprentice which is under the Ministry of Skill Devlopment & Entrepreneurship, in which the All india ...

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Analysis of Plane truss and Complex stresses


Question Bank of Analysis of Plane truss and Complex stresses 

1. Relationship between Young's Modulus and Modulus of Rigidity.

E= 2G (1 + Î¼)


E- Young's Modulus

G- Modulus of rigidity

μ- Poisson's ratio

2. Relationship between Bulk Modulus and Young's Modulus.

E= 3K (1 - 2μ)


E - Young's Modulus

K- Bulk Modulus

μ- Poisson's ratio

3. What is principle of super position?

  • The resultant deformation of the body is equal to the algebraic sum of the deformation of the individual section. Such principle is called as principle of super position

4. What is compound bar?

  • A composite bar composed of two or more different materials joined together such that the system is elongated or compressed in a single unit.

5. What you mean by thermal stresses?

  • If the body is allowed to expand or contract freely, with the rise or fall of temperature no stress is developed, but if free expansion is prevented the stress developed is called temperature stress or strain.

6. Define principle stresses and principle plane.

  • Principle stress: The magnitude of normal stress, acting on a principal plane is known as principal stresses.
  • Principle plane: The planes which have no shear stress are known as principal planes.

7. What is the radius of Mohr's circle?

  • Radius of Mohr's circle is equal to the maximum shear stress.

8.What is the use of Mohr's circle?

  • To find out the normal, resultant and principle stresses and their planes.

9. What are the assumptions made in finding out the forces in a frame?

The assumptions made in finding out the forces in a frame are:

  • The frame is a perfect frame
  • The frame carries load at the joints
  • All the members are pin-joined

10. How will you Analysis of a frame?

Analysis of a frame consists of

  • Determinations of the reactions at the supports
  • Determination of the forces in the members of the frame

11 What are the methods for Analysis the frame?

  • Methods of joints
  • Methods of sections
  • Method of tension coefficient
  • Method of Graphical method.

12. How method of joints applied to trusses carrying Horizontal loads.

If a truss carries horizontal loads (with or without vertical loads) hinged at one end and supported on roller at the other end, the support reaction at the roller support end will be normal, whereas the support reaction at the hinged end will consist of 

  • Horizontal reaction and 
  • Vertical reaction

13. How method of joints applied to trusses carrying inclined loads.

If a truss carries inclined loads hinged at one end and supported on roller at the other end, the support reaction at the roller, support end will be normal, Where as the support reaction the hinged 'end will consist of 

  • HorizoÅ„tal reaction and 
  • Vertical reaction. 

The inclined load are resolved into horizontal and vertical components.

14. What is mean by compressive and tensile force?

  • The forces in the member will be compressive if the member pushes the joint to which it is connected. whereas the force in the member will be tensile if the member pulls the joint to which it is connected.

15. How will you determine the forces in a member by method of joints?

  • In method of joint after determining the reactions at the supports, the equilibrium of every support is considered. This means the sum all vertical forces as well as the horizontal forces acting on a joint is equated to zero. The joint should be selected in such a way that at any time there are only two members, in which the forces are unknown.

16. What are the benefits of method of sections compared with other methods?

  • This method is very quick.
  • When the forces in few members of the truss are to be determined, then the method of section is mostly used.

17. What are the different types of frames?

  • Perfect frame 
  • Imperfect frame 
  • Deficient frame 
  • Redundant frame.

18. What is mean by perfect frame? 

  • The frame which is composed of such members which are just sufficient to keep the frame in equilibrium when the frame is supporting an external load is known as perfect frame. Hence for a perfect frame the number of joints and number of members are given as:  n =2j-3.

19. What is mean by imperfect frame?

  • Imperfect frame is one which does not satisfies the relation between the numbers of members and number of joints given by the equation n = 2j – 3. This means that number of members in an imperfect frame will be either more or less than (2j - 3).

20. What is mean by deficient frame?

  • If the number of member in a frame are less than (2j - 3), then the frame is known as deficient frame.

21. What is mean by redundant frame?

  • If the number of member in a frame are more than (2j - 3), then the frame is known as redundant frame.

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