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does apprenticeship count as work experience or not ?

  Does 01 year apprenticeship training will count as a work experience? I know, many student have this doubt that whether apprenticeship training will count as a work experience or not ? and it should be. So let me tell you today and clear your doubt about apprenticeship training  count as a work experience .  W ell, when I also completed my apprenticeship training, I had also this doubt in my mind. Then I searched and read about it many places and finally I got the proof of  apprenticeship training will count as a work experience.  My finally answer is YES  apprenticeship training will count or consider as a work experien ce. I share with you the proof this.    Click Here   (Go to > Help > Process Manual (English) > Page No. 16 > Benefits to students > Point No. 10) Note:- The apprentice which is under the Ministry of Skill Devlopment & Entrepreneurship, in which the All india ...

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What is box sextant

  Sextant   The boX sextant instrument diameter is about 7.6 cm.  It is a hand instrument used to measure approximate angles between any given stations. The box sextant has no telescope, and have a general appearance. Sextant only provides the angles in the plane of the instrument so that if the observed stations are not on the same Level than the angle will be as a direct angle between them instead of horizontal angle such as would be given by a theodolite. Testing And Adjusting The Box Sextant There is no provision to adjust the index glass, but the horizon glass is provided with the two movements required for both the adjustments detailed below. 1. To set the horizon glass perpendicular to the plane of the instrument, the following test procedure is used. a) The index is set to zero, b) Any distant terrestrial object or the sun is then sighted directly and by reflection, checking to see if they agree or if there is any lateral displacement. 2. To eliminate the index er...

What is cross staff

  Cross Staff A mechanical tool called a cross staff is used to  calculate the angle between two objects. The cross staff was historically employed by surveyors  who wanted to be able to take precise measures as well as by astronomers who were studying the sky to help sailors orient  themselves.   Cross Staffs are three forms, namely. Open Cross Staff French Cross Staff and Adjustable Cross Staff 1: Open Cross Staff: The open cross staff is the simplest form of cross staff.  The head is simply a wooden block octagonal or round about 15 cm side. diameter and 4 cm deep with two fine saw cuts at right angles to each other. Open cross staff is used for  setting out right angle at a given point on the chain line .  2: French Cross Staff: The Fren...

Chemical name of Vitamins ABCDEK

  General Science Trick for how to remember Chemical name of Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K Today we will share with you the short trick of  Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, with details. This short trick will help full for all competitive exams SSC, Clerk, CPO, SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, Railway Exams, RRB Exams, State level entrance exams, teacher and other various exam.

Natural sources of major acids

  Tricks for Remember Natural Source  of Major Acids In this science trick, we will tell you about all the acids and about them, and with the help of this trick, you can easily remember natural sources of Acids without any difficulty. प्रमुख अम्लों के प्राकृतिक स्रोत          Trick: सिर पर एसिड डाल गया वो सिरका एसिटिक एसिड दूध , दही तुम पियो लेटकर दूध , दही लैक्टिक एसिड सेब के ढेर पर बैठा मालिक जो सेब मौलिक एसिड तो बिच्छू , चीटी मे है फार्मिक बिच्छू , चीटी फार्मिक एसिड खट्टे फल अब हटो साइड पर खट्टे फल साइट्रिक एसिड सोडावाटर है काबॅनिक सोडावाटर कार्बनिक अम्ल घास के पत्ते मे बैन्जोइक घास   बैन्जोइक एसिड मूत्र मे होता यूरिक का मरहम मूत्र यूरिक एसिड अंगूर ,  इमली   टारटेरिक एसिड सभी जीके ट्रिक्स यहां से पढ़ें

Discoverer of Electron Proton and Neutron

Science Trick for discoverer of Electron Proton and Neutron  Friends, today we are going to present such a trick in front of you, in which everyone often gets confused. You all would know that, the names of the discoverers of Electron, Proton and Neutron often appear in all the examinations.  We are often confused among the discoverers of these 03 that which scientist has discovered whom!  So friends, today we have brought the solution to this problem of yours, so that after today you will never be confused as to who has discovered which particle!

Best GK Tricks for all competitive exams

  Best GK Tricks  : Candidates for all competitive exams, including UPSC, SSC, SBI, IBPS, MBA, and various State Government Exams, GK is one of the most crucial portions.  The Most Important GK Topics to Cover for Competitive Exams are listed here. Through these tricks, you can easily remember  अदिश राशियां (S calar Quantities ) वे भौतिक राशियाँ जिनमें केवल परिमाण होता है, अदिश राशियाँ कहलाती हैं। यह एक परिमाण या संख्यात्मक मान द्वारा पूरी तरह से वर्णित है। अदिश राशि की दिशाएँ नहीं होती हैं। Trick –   उस आद्रता को चाबी दो अदिश राशियां (S calar Quantities ) Trick: उस आद्रता को चाबी दो उ ऊर्जा स समय आ आयतन द्र द्रव्यमान ता ताप को कार्य चा चाल बी विद्युत धारा दो   दाब

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