Does 01 year apprenticeship training will count as a work experience? I know, many student have this doubt that whether apprenticeship training will count as a work experience or not ? and it should be. So let me tell you today and clear your doubt about apprenticeship training count as a work experience . W ell, when I also completed my apprenticeship training, I had also this doubt in my mind. Then I searched and read about it many places and finally I got the proof of apprenticeship training will count as a work experience. My finally answer is YES apprenticeship training will count or consider as a work experien ce. I share with you the proof this. Click Here (Go to > Help > Process Manual (English) > Page No. 16 > Benefits to students > Point No. 10) Note:- The apprentice which is under the Ministry of Skill Devlopment & Entrepreneurship, in which the All india ...
Tricks to crack for competitive exams
किसी भी परीक्षा के लिए अपनी तैयारी की दिशा में पहला कदम परीक्षा को समझना है, जैसे उनके पाठ्यक्रम और परीक्षा का महत्व क्या है
The first step towards your preparation for any exam is to know to the examination, like their syllabus and what's the weightage of exam.
- How to prepare? short-term and long term.
- तैयारी कैसे करें? शॉर्ट टर्म और लंबे समय तक
- Set your goals that you can achieve.
- अपना लक्ष्य निर्धारित करें जो आप प्राप्त कर सकते हैं
- Set the time of your study.
- अपने अध्ययन का समय निर्धारित करें
- give more time for the more difficult subject.
- अधिक कठिन विषय के लिए अधिक समय दें
- Take some time for short breaks in between.
- बीच में छोटे ब्रेक के लिए कुछ समय ले लो
- You should always make your own short notes for to revise a couple of days before the exam.
- परीक्षा से कुछ दिन पहले संशोधित करने के लिए आपको हमेशा अपने छोटे नोट्स बनाना चाहिए।
- and most vital THING you'll always need to make revision because revision are necessary any exam.
- You must believe in yourself and your preparation.
- आपको अपने और अपनी तैयारी में विश्वास करना चाहिए
- and Solve as much previous year papers as possible.
- और जितना संभव हो उतना पिछले वर्ष के प्रश्नपत्रों को हल करें।
Nice article.....keep it up